[Principle of
machine] One way 意味 無く 憔悴 戦慄
One way アノ娘はミッドナイトハニー
One way 犬 鳴く 睡眠 推奨
One way 夜明けまで Short time. One, two hours
Principle of machine I am a visitor
Principle of machine Temptation of a machine
One way 意思 無く 成り行き 日和見
One way 心境 波浪 Hello
One way 君 鳴く? 無期限 不機嫌
One way 夕べまで Short time. One, two hours
Principle of machine I am a visitor
Principle of machine Temptation of a machine
Dreaming, that’s all I want
But my old heart made of sand
Never understand
Screaming, that’s all I want
Now I will change your world
Give it all your way to machine
Dreaming, that’s all I want
But my old heart made of sand
Never understand
Screaming, that’s all I want
Now I will change your world
Give it all your way
Bleeding, it’s sensation
And we will have fun with this communication
Preaching, that’s lost nation
I will say good-bye
You should throw it away to machine
[A communication
refusal desire]
突然降り出した雨は 浸透・振動させられる
傘は持っています 服も濡れていません
ヒステリックな罵笑 改善されない問題
浸水 溺れる To oneself
陸に上げられた魚 上下運動くり返す
粘着的な空気の中 やがて終焉を迎え
もはや自滅的行動 取り返しはつかないまま
進行する時の流れ スピード
Communicationは ない
Communicationは ない
I hope it so
I’m feeling your sadness
I’m feeling your hardness
Time and tide, tide and ride
You know it’s just like heaven
明日には改善されてる? その保証は何処にもない
朝は重たくて永い 飽和するこの心境
描かれた心象スケッチ 其処には終末像
逆行する気持ち身体方向 抗って…
Communicationは ない
I hope so
I’m feeling your sadness
I’m feeling your hardness
Time and tide, tide and ride
You know it’s just like heaven
Communicationは ない
Communicationは ない
I hope it so
I’m feeling your sadness
I’m feeling your hardness
Time and tide, tide and ride
You know it’s just like heaven
I’m feeling your sadness
I’m feeling your hardness
Time and tide, tide and ride
You know it’s just like heaven
Well, this is it
I can't stand it any more
leave the key and go away
Our days are over
You're cruel
Cruel as ice and crystal
Oh I need to paint it now
I can't help it
Addicted again?
So all I want is you
Only you
I was hit by the strange emotion
When You said devotion
What a feeling
I've never seen such a hysteric beauty
Oh I need to paint it now
The day is coming
Addicted again?
So all I want is
I don't care fame or riches
Everything turns to ashes
Put it in the frame
Find me at the concour
Don't touch!
It's contageous
Don't touch anyone!
Addicted again?
So all I want is
I don't care fame or riches
Everything turns to ashes
Throw it to the flame
Find me at the concour
I don't care fame or riches
Everything turns to ashes
It is me to blame
Find me at the concour
ああ展覧の日は近し コンクールは明後日です
Everyone get ready?
See you at the concour
双児の港はひっそりと 呼吸を乱さずそこにある
双児の港はゆっくりと 時を感じさせずそこにある
だから閉塞感はありません 拒絶感もありません
存在感はないでしょう! ただそこにある!
飛出した半島をくり抜けば 相互申告行ったり来たりで
言葉を持たない優しい意図 朝日に向かって昇って謡う
ごめん煙草は吸いません 期待感与えられません
悲愴感はないでしょう! ただそこに居る
I hate this six meters hight
I could see the other side
Only if I had a ladder
I know there’s the promised land !
夕方までそこにGET! 到着していたいんだ
先端に人陰それはNO! それはゆゆしき問題だ…
そんなはずないさ だってここはSECRET PLACE
ZONE DEFENCEしなくちゃ 僕ひとりじゃ無理なんだ
So come and join today !
そんなはずないさ だってここはSECRET PLACE
ZONE DEFENCEしなくちゃ 僕ひとりじゃ無理なんだ
人海戦術発令 注意報!
Life is but an empty dream like bells which scream
Feeling my-self sliding towards my hopes end
Now and again and again punishing my-self
Longing to be brought to my last days
will my heart kill itself sometime
will my symptoms all be cured sometime
In the dead of night I feel euphoria
Euphoria which pit black night bring
It’s a short life time action causes my malfunction
But may become a happy end it’s so clear
will my heart kill itself sometime
will my symptoms all be cured sometime
You're the Sun, I'm pitch black
You're the Sun, I'm just pitch black
You're the Sun, I'm pitch black
You're the Sun, I'm just pitch black
Ah Analyze your dreams!
Good bye, will I see you again?
Ah Analyze your dreams!
Good bye, will I see you again?
Incident (Please take my breath away)]
解って 変って 触ってない
育って 萎んだ 昨日までのnight
あと少しだけ time
夢うつつに six months
分別つかずに six months
守って 譲って 向かってない
迷って 拾った もう一つの世界
あらがえない 自分に
解った気がする all chapter
夢うつつに six months
分別つかずに six months
逃げる その存在自体 fortune
こっち向いて 僕を見て 僕を見て
So what do you want to know
こっち向いて 僕を見て 僕を見て
(そんな事どうだっていい 君を手に入れたくて 手に入れたかった)
解っていたって 知ってた僕は 知らんぷりしていた
Please take my breath away
[Song of Ruin]
みんな叫んで そして終わる
Sing the song of ruin I'll be watching you
Sing the song of ruin I'll be the one to judge you
蓋を開ければ 事実皆無
Sing the song of ruin I'll be watching you
Sing the song of ruin I'll be the one to judge you
Step, slip, step, slip, step, slip, step, strike out
Die out !
Sing the song of ruin I'll be watching you
Sing the song of ruin I'll be judging you
Sing the song of ruin I'll be watching you
Sing the song of ruin I'll be the one to judge you
Step, slip, step, slip, step, slip, step, strike out
Die out !